
Darkfall video shows off new chainmail armor

Character wipes and the 2.0 relaunch may be foremost in the mind of Darkfall fans these days, but Aventurine has just released a new video that demonstrates its ongoing commitment to improving the existing game (not to mention its ongoing sense of humor).

Though the clip clocks in at a paltry 50 seconds, that's time enough to get a good look at Darkfall's upcoming chainmail armor improvements. You'll also want to stick around to the end of the video for a cameo appearance by... well, we're honestly not sure what that was, but it looked big, angry, and vaguely like one of Agon's notorious AI mobs.

Today's video release is the second part of a new Aventurine initiative called Media Sneak Peek, and you can view it after the cut as well as on the official Darkfall website.