
Double Dragon 2 remake 'Wander of the Dragons' headed to XBLA

The good news: Double Dragon 2 definitely appears to be coming to Xbox Live Arcade. The, uh, different news is that it's a 3D remake of the arcade game. According to Co-Optimus, the game will be titled Wander of the Dragons -- not "Wanderer," apparently -- and is being developed by Barunson Interactive, a Korean developer best known for its side-scrolling MMO, Dragonica.

Wander of the Dragons is based on the arcade version of Double Dragon 2: The Revenge, and features new 3D graphics and revamped gameplay. Fans hoping for a faithful remake are in for something of a shock, as the character designs are radically different from the originals, though some may appreciate the more modern approach to beat-em-up gameplay.

According to Co-Optimus, the game is slated for a September release with a price of $15. Check out some (possibly upsetting) footage embedded above.