
Dear Aunt TUAW: Help me locate incompatible software

Dear Aunt TUAW,

Is there a way in LION to conduct a search for all those incompatible apps that have the ø thru them?

Your loving nephew,


Dear Paul,

Uncle Steve tells Auntie that Lion automatically searches for incompatible apps during installation. You can do a Spotlight search for "Incompatible Software" and it will find a folder containing all of those apps, plus a text file explaining which apps are "bad".

Here's what he found on his iMac just after installation:

A quick look into that folder revealed a couple of kernel extensions that weren't playing well with Lion. The "Read Me" file showed exactly what those files were:

A simple Finder search also helps you locate incompatible software on an external drive or software that you added after the Lion installation. In Finder, start a search for "Kind is Application" and sort by Kind. Your "Classic Application" files will appear at the top of the list, each one representing a now-unsupported app. This allows you to detect those apps on demand, even after you've already installed Lion.

Hope these pointers help you.


Auntie T.