
Amazon releases Kindle cloud reader web app, sidesteps App Store rules

Amazon has launched a new cloud-based version of its Kindle book reading application. The new Kindle Cloud reader is accessible to the iPad with iOS 4, Google Chrome and Safari on the Mac/PC. The new web-based app circumvents Apple's policy change that prevents publishers from linking to their online stores from within an app.

Apple made this change to make sure new content was purchased from within the app and subject to Apple's 30% fee. Amazon complied with this policy change and removed external links from its native Kindle iPad app. At the same time, it was working on this web version as an alternative.

Amazon's new Kindle Cloud Reader frees Amazon from the long reach of Apple and lets it offer books and other downloadable content right through the web. The app mimics the look and feel of the native iPad app and even lets you read content offline. Its uses HTML5, a web standard supported by Mobile Safari. Right now the app only supports the iPad, but an iPhone version is likely in the works.

[Via Tech Crunch]