
Was Jonas Sandwall the first artist to launch an app album for iOS?

Last week, musician Björk released what she claimed was the world's first app album for iOS. Though this is her first app album, it may not be the first to hit the app store. EMI launched Swedish House Mafia's "Until One" album as an iPad app back in March 2011. This pre-dates Björk, but even "Until One" may not be the first album app.

An email from Jonas Sandwall suggests we need to look back even farther to find the first app album for iOS. The independent Swedish artist claims his app album was the first to hit the market back in November 2010. The app is available for free from the Swedish app store and includes three free songs. Extra content such as lyrics, chord sheet music and artwork are available as an in-app purchase for about US$2.00

By launching last November, Sandwell did get a jump on his bigger competitors like EMI, but is he actually the first? Does anyone know of an app album that launched before November?

[Via Jonas Sandwell]