
The Joystiq Show - Gamescom 2011 Day 4

It's the final day of Gamescom 2011 and that makes this the final podcast from the show, but don't be sad, the guys are going out with style a bang. Harmonix's John Drake and Eric Pope join-in, and their presence means the show has at least 1000% more apple pie talk than it would otherwise.

Gamescom is a unique beast. It is very different from the big conventions held in the US, and there are plenty of anecdotes here that provide a peek into the European games convention experience. For the full picture, also be sure to catch episodes from Day 0, Day 1 and Day 3.

Note: The audio has a few issues, but with lovely and understanding listeners like yourselves, it shouldn't be an issue.

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Hosts: Alexander Sliwinski (@xandersliwinski), Ben Gilbert (@BigBossBGilbert)
Guest: John Drake (@johntdrake - Harmonix) and Eric Pope (@MrPope - Harmonix)
Producer: Jonathan Downin (@jonathandownin - Game Thing Daily)
Music: "Bust This Bust That" by Professor Kliq

See all show links, and stream the show, after the break.


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