
Levitatr iPad keyboard would offer keys on demand

Here's a compelling Kickstarter project that iPad keyboard jockeys will like. The Levitatr keyboard is ready for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. It's a thin aluminum thing at 12.5mm thick and features Bluetooth connectivity and keys that pop up when you need them, and recede when you don't.

When you're ready to type, press a small button on the left-hand side, causing the keys to rise into view, ready for use. When you're done, press it again and they sink back into the device.

The Levitatr also offers a built-in stand for your device and LED backlit keys. Inventor James Stumpf says his ultimate goal is to get the retractable Levitatr keyboard built into the tablet of a major manufacturer.

His immediate goal, however, is to produce a batch of Levitatrs to sell. As of this writing, his project has accumulated US$15,598; short of his $60,000 goal. With over 30 days to go, there's hope.

Good luck, James!