
WoW Moviewatch: Warning of Warcraft

Warning of Warcraft is an odd cosplay interpretation of Warning by Notorious B.I.G. Essentially, in a creative gangster world of Star Wars and Warcraft, a gang war will rage inside a city park. Only tragedy and laughs can come from such a thing.

It took me a little bit to get what's going on in the video, but once I understood they were performing B.I.G.'s lyrics, the whole production was pretty hilarious. The joke was underscored by the straight-faced earnestness with which the actors performed their lines.

And hey, who doesn't love seeing Jar-Jar get a comeuppance?

The embedded version above is the wookie-clean version, created specifically so that WoW Insider views could enjoy it. If you'd prefer the unedited video, you can catch it here.

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