
Relic reflects on Warhammer 40K: Space Marine reception

"Was it our best work?" Warhammer 40K: Space Marine producer Andy Lang asked Eurogamer. "It was our best console work."

Relic, best known for PC real-time strategy games like Company of Heroes and Dawn of War, took a risk by attacking the third-person shooter genre so late in the console cycle. We enjoyed Space Marine, noting it showed Relic's "expertise can extend far past the RTS genre they've already conquered," but critical reception has been varied.

"I'm pretty humble; I don't look at [criticism] and get all upset. I thought most of the reviews were fairly on the mark with what they had to say," Lang admitted. "The character design does get a bit repetitive and certain parts of it, just how the game plays - we didn't have time to really polish that stuff to where we wanted to get to. There wasn't anything that was oh-my-god shocking in the game."

Head on over to Eurogamer for more Space Marine postmortem.