
John Smedley talks EverQuest, DC Universe Online, and future projects

EverQuest - inspiring passionate jigs in statues since '98.

It's impossible to deny the huge influence that EverQuest has had on the face of MMOs, something reflected by its recent induction into the GDC Hall of Fame. According to John Smedley, however, the game is in no way experiencing a decline. In a recent interview, he compares the game to several older gaming franchises such as Dungeons & Dragons, noting that he hopes to keep the game vibrant and updating for several years to come.

Smedley also touches briefly on EverQuest Next, saying that he hopes the team can deliver something akin to the re-envisioning of the Star Trek franchise in the 2009 film. He goes on to discuss the change in DC Universe Online, the possibility for future projects on the upcoming PS Vita, and other projects further on down the line. It's an interesting look at what's next for a game that's defined the MMO since its launch.