
Global Chat: October 16-22, 2011


Welcome to this week's Global Chat! We love hearing what you have to say at Massively, and we love it even more when we can share the best comments with all of our readers. Massively staffers will be contributing some of their favorite comments every week, so keep an eye out every Sunday for more Global Chat!

While almost all of our news stories and columns are game-specific, the conversation that follows in the comments often expands beyond the game in question. Discussion turns to mechanics, development styles, and industry trends. Even if the game in the original story isn't your thing, you may find some interesting conversation, so follow along after the jump to see what some of our readers had to say last week.

Brandon tackled some of Star Trek Online's hot topics last week in Captain's Log. The community is buzzing as the game prepares for a free-to-play switch, and Controlled Chaos had an observation about the passion with which the community is addressing things:

I'm sorry, but looking through the forums even now? Passion is on show, but a decent portion isn't exactly positive. It seems like for every person who actually feels like the game will be cool and who is happy to see it go F2P, there is one or two who is screaming against some meager little aspect of things. A good few of the EverQuest II people were pretty elitist about their game's switch and the paying aspect of it, but even they didn't yell this loud about how they figure they should get so much more than freebie players. I mean, come on, even a portion of the lifetime subscribers are turning on pay-per-month people like jackals over the last piece of meat, trying to get the most entitlements.

It's like watching people who are screaming that they're right about the end of the world. They want so desperately to be right that they kind of forget that, oh, hey, if you're right, the world ENDS. Some of these guys want the F2P (and thus STO in general) to completely fail so badly so they can be right that they don't realize that the game would be pretty worse off if all this comes to naught.

I'll be playing when it goes free to play and this furor will likely calm when it switches over, but ye gods. I wouldn't be claiming a lot of rational feedback when you get this amount of white noise between those particular posts.

This sort of over-the-top excitement isn't exactly limited to a single gaming community; it's fairly widespread, especially when big changes are on the horizon. Is it warranted? Silly? Entertaining? Let us know in the comments at the end!

Justin's most recent Game Archaeologist -- all about Asheron's Call 2 -- inspired a fit of nostalgia in Massively reader Deceive:

Love AC1; love AC2. I miss AC2 dearly and would easily sub for it if it's ever brought back. I play the state lottery with the sole purpose of funding Turbine to create another Asheron's game.

Can someone explain why Turbine owns an IP that is already a success and yet they let this IP flounder on an 11-year-old AC1 and a six-year-dead AC2?

Turbine, lets go guys, put the AC universe back in the fold. Lugian tacts, Raiders, Tumerok Hive keepers, Shadows, Virindi and Drudges are all part of a great world that lays fallow. I pray the day comes soon to log in and play a Lugian raider again.

It's a pretty common phenomenon to wish so strongly that your favorite game would return in all it's glory, so fess up: Which one are you dying to see make a comeback? Hit the comment button and let us know!

Global Chat is the weekly feature that's all about you, our readers. Every Sunday we collect the best, funniest, and most thought-provoking comments from the Massively readers and round them up into Global Chat for discussion. Read over them for yourself, hit the comment button, and add your own thoughts!