
CheapAssGamer's CheapyD will be your homie (in Saints Row: The Third)

You folks know CheapyD, right? He's the owner and proprietor of gaming deals site CheapAssGamer, as well as a swell dude and friend of the site. He's also a big fan of the Saints Row series -- so much so, in fact, that he donated a heap of change to the Ashley Ames Foundation last summer in order to become a character in Saints Row: The Third.

What began as a bit role (a random pedestrian) turned into a full-on downloadable pack, adding Cheapy to the game as a "homie." Like in Saints Row 2, homies can be called to help out during missions or whenever you may need them. Cheapy says he recorded "approximately 150 lines" for the character, all done from his Tokyo, Japan apartment with direction over Skype from Volition devs.

He's not sure when the pack will be available (though he's been told it's coming out sooner than later), and it'll be free for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC players.

[Image of CheapyD's custom character in Saints Row 2, via MTV Multiplayer]