
Rumor: New Apple TV on the way, suggests TechCrunch

Our sister blog TechCrunch just posted a rumor suggesting that the current Apple TV might be replaced with a newer model in the very near future.

As Matt Burns at TechCrunch reports, Amazon and Best Buy are now selling the second-generation Apple TV for $89, one full Hamilton less than the MSRP. Amazon has also marked the product name with the number "2010" in parentheses, perhaps suggesting that there will be a 2011 or 2012 edition rolling out soon.

The existing model has been around since September 1, 2010, and a new device might very well replace the single-core A4 with a dual-core A5. That bump would help 1080p playback and smooth out the UI on the Apple TV.

Burns believes that if a new Apple TV is on the way, it would be likely to hit the market before the holiday buying binge starts -- perhaps as soon as the next few days. If not, a refresh wouldn't be likely until 2012.