
Dear Aunt TUAW: Brokeback Siri. I just can't quit it.

Dear Aunt TUAW,

It's funny how we can write a book to learn to speak to Siri but there's no vocal "quit" command LOL!

Your loving nephew,


Dear Dig,

Of course there is a verbal command. It sounds like this:

"Honey, press the Home button. It's the round one at the bottom of the screen."

Kidding aside, it looks like Apple meant to put in a Quit command but didn't get it completed on time. See the screen shot that follows.

Other Siri responses to "Quit" include, "Did I say something wrong? If you really want me to go away, at least say 'goodbye.'" Another response is, "Quit? Did you mean 'goodbye?'"

Auntie would go into a long lecture here about beta software, but (1) she's betting you've already heard that lecture, (2) Apple ships whatever Apple ships so long as it ships on time -- the phrase goes, "Ship on time. We'll buy you new families." Also, you're welcome to submit bug reports and feature enhancement requests directly to Apple itself.


Auntie T.