
Garriott's Ultimate RPG 'clearly the spiritual successor' to Ultima

Ultima Online - gaggle of players gaggling

The Richard Garriott crazy train is heading toward a section of track that long-time fans of the gaming god might actually appreciate. In a new interview with Eurogamer, the man behind Ultima Online talks a little less about his recent foray into social casino games and a little more about what might be Ultima Online 2.

Yes, we've seen the UO sequel smoke before. This time, though, there may be fire. "We've actually talked to Electronic Arts about [Garriott leading Ultima Online again]. I would love to have access to the Ultima property. We've had discussions at very high levels with Electronic Arts about access to the property," he explained.

Regardless of any EA deals, Garriott says that his new Ultimate RPG is "clearly the spiritual successor of the Ultima series."