
Apple fined in Italy for poor communication around warranty policy

Apple has been fined 900 thousand Euros by the Italian Antitrust Authority [Google translation], citing unfair business practices against consumers. Specifically, the ruling cites two offenses against Apple, Apple Sales International and Apple Retail Italy.

First, the judgement says that Apple's retail arm did not fully inform consumers that they are eligible to receive free care every two years via the Consumer Code, instead focusing on Apple's own warranty plan (one year, plus subsequent paid AppleCare service).

Additionally, the Italian authorities said Apple allowed customers to pay for an Apple Care Protection Plan even when the supplementary plan overlapped the two-year coverage guaranteed by the Consumer Code.

As a result, Apple was fined 400,000 Euros for the former offense and 500,000 Euros for the latter (a total of about US$1.2 million as of this writing). Apple will also publish an explanation to its Italian consumer website. Finally, Apple must adapt sales packages of the Apple Protection Plan to include information on the free service that's available to customers after two years. That change must be made within 90 days of the decision.

Thanks to Marc and Jacopo for sending this in.