
One Shots: We'll be over here

Just when you thought it was all about beautiful landscapes and lush pastorals, we have this image of a recent potential near-death experience from the lands of Atreiya. While Michael G. and his friend managed to avoid trouble from the flying monstrosity we see in this picture, others nearby may not have been quite as lucky. He writes in to tell us about his recent experience while playing Aion: "I was finishing off the quest for the flash longbow with my friend when the area we needed to go to was suddenly attacked by a Dredgion flying out of the fort. We moved to the cliffs and waited for it to pass before killing the mobs we needed to kill."

If you've captured an image of a huge boss monster in your favorite game, we'd love to see it. It's easy to share! Just email it in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Please make sure your image is at least 1024 pixels wide, has no visible UI elements, and is (most importantly) actually attached to the email you're sending in! Your screenshot could be the next one we use here on Massively.