
Facebook launches mobile app for non-smartphones

As much attention as smartphones get in the mobile biz, it's easy to lose site of the fact that dumbphones still reign supreme by sheer volume of users -- and in all likelihood, they will for years to come. To that end, Facebook has hooked up with Snaptu to deliver an app custom-tailored for these plebeian machines that it promises to be compatible with over 2,500 models -- thanks in no small part, we're sure, to the fact that it's a J2ME app -- with UI elements that closely mirror the Facebook experience on iPhone, Android, and others. 14 carriers around the world (none in the US currently, it seems) have set up a special promo to let subscribers use the app without data charges for the first 90 days, presumably banking on the fact that you'll be well addicted by the time the data counter starts rolling.