
Apple sues Nokia in London over touch-screen scroll patent

Apple has sued Finland's Nokia over claims that one of Nokia's European patents for scrolling on a touch screen is not valid. The suit was filed in London's High Court earlier this week, and is the latest in the legal back-and-forth between Nokia and Apple.

In December of 2010, Nokia filed claims in three European countries, alleging that Apple infringed on 13 additional patents, in addition to 24 patents already descried in the existing US and International Trade Commission filings. To date, Nokia has opened file claims on four patents in the UK High Court, seven patents in district court in Dusseldorf, five in Mannheim and two in the Hague. This latest suit from Apple challenges a filing made by Nokia against Apple in Dusseldorf in September of 2010.

Nokia spokesman Mark Durrant sounded confident in an email sent to Bloomberg. "Nokia is confident that all of the 37 patents it has asserted against Apple" [are valid], he said. "We are examining the filing and will take whatever actions are needed to protect our rights." Meanwhile, Apple declined to comment.

We suspect this won't be over for a long time.