
KLA-Tencor CEO rewards 5,400 employees with iPads

Talk about a logistical nightmare for an IT department! Last summer, 5,400 employees of semiconductor maker KLA-Tencor were rewarded for their hard work with brand new iPads, according to a report from CIO. After the company posted revenue of US$1.8 billion, the CEO decided that his employees deserved the device and even had his CIO and IT department help them all in setting up their new devices for personal and corporate use.

This isn't the first time we've seen iPads given out as a bonus. Schools have gotten in on the action, with Seton Hill providing them for all their students, while Financial Times recently handed them out to 1,800 staff members, and Oprah gave them away to her studio audience. Guess I should find out which company/talk show is giving them out next!