
'Sega Rally Online Arcade' rated in Korea

If a new listing by the Korean Game Rating Board is any indication, we could be kicking up some dust on PSN soon. The board posted a rating entry for "Sega Rally Online Arcade," a title that doesn't really require much interpretation. It's Sega Rally -- the classic arcade rally racing series originally created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi -- online.

The title was submitted by Sony Computer Entertainment Korea, which would suggest a release on a PlayStation system; and we'll just go out on a limb and guess that would be PS3. The previous "Online Arcade" game, OutRun Online Arcade, was released on PSN and XBLA ... and then removed (due to an expiring contract with Ferrari). Since this Sega Rally game has yet to even be officially announced, it'll be long before we have to worry about that game being over (yeaaah).