
US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords loves her iPad

Here's an interesting example of a shared story from The Daily in which US Representative Gabrielle Giffords proclaims her love of the iPad, and explains how she uses it for work. The Daily's Elizabeth Saab interviewed Rep. Giffords shortly before she was shot in Arizona, and the main topic was the iPad.

"It takes me about six to eight hours every week just to get to work," Rep. Giffords said. "Being able to carry an iPad, particularly being able to have all of my documents in the cloud, and be able to access speeches and briefing materials has really made a big difference."

Calling herself "kind of a boring person," Rep. Giffords says that she doesn't have any games installed on her iPad, but notes that her office is among the top social networkers in Congress, and they manage all of that with an iPad.

Last month, we peeked at the desk of US House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who makes good use of his iMac and iPad. Congressman Cantor uses his iPad daily, his office told us, and he enjoys reading his hometown newspaper on the device. Recently, US Senate rules changed to allow Macs into Senate offices with official permission.

We all wish Representative Giffords a full and speedy recovery ... her iPad is a part of that process, too.