
One Shots: The calm before the storm

Today marks the official lauch of RIFT for those who didn't pre-order and get in on the head-start action. As such, it only seemed natural to feature a RIFT screenshot from the pre-launch so those who are just now joining up get a glimpse into how things were in-game just a few scant days ago. This image comes to us from chadwich, who writes in to tell us more: "Sanctum was packed and bustling as RIFT opened its doors to the world. This is Bartlebe the Dwarven Mage sitting atop his first mount on his way out of the bustling city. I snapped this shot, and I felt like it really captured the finer side of the city."

One Shots is all about great reader screenshots. If you've taken a dazzling screenshot recently, then why not send it in to us? It's easy to do. Email it to along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the picture. You never know -- your image could be the next one we feature here on Massively!