
Apple, Inc. files to trademark "Apple" under 42 international classes

Apple is aiming for world domination and its plan was leaked not by a disgruntled employee, but through publicly available trademark applications. According to Patently Apple, the Cupertino company has filed for trademarks in over 42 different international classes. This is not a mistake, these trademarks were filed on behalf of Apple, Inc of 1 Infinite Loop.

There are only 45 available classes so Apple is protecting its name in almost every conceivable category. These categories include the predictable games, telecommunications and education categories as well as the outlandish such as carpets, soaps and pharmaceuticals.

I would love to know what Apple has planned for International Class 043 which is for services that provide food and drink. Could it be a top-secret device that serves the best-tasting Apple Kool-aid ever?

Oh, wait -- that device has already been created.