
Xperia Play phones given away at GDC end up on eBay

Sheesh. First the Xperia Play is obtained by the press even before its official announcement, and now the first units to reach the North American public, given away to developers at a GDC panel and raffles last week, are ... wait for it ... being sold on eBay.

That's right -- even weeks before the actual launch, you can't give these things away for free. eBay seller "mejones73-1" doesn't hide the fact that he's one of the developers who won a free phone (and neither does this guy), though the Sony writeup says that a winner named "Mike Jones" just happens to work across the street from their office in Redwood City, CA. Jones might want to be careful in the parking lot this week -- even if he plans to buy another phone with the $730 and rising that his auction is earning, Sony can't be too happy about this one.

[Thanks, Benny!]