
Long iPad lines continue at some Apple Stores, many go home empty-handed

As midnight approaches on the East Coast of the US, long lines for the iPad 2 remain at some Apple Stores. The image above shows the line at the 5th Avenue store in New York City just before 11 PM local time, with dozens of people still waiting outside the store well after nightfall.

Meanwhile, on the West Coast, 9 to 5 Mac reports severe supply constraints in certain models of iPad 2, with many line waiters either having to pick a model other than the one they originally sought, or worse, going home empty-handed altogether. Mark Gurman reports that Apple doesn't seem to be limiting device per person purchases, with one customer walking out with six AT&T-model iPad 2s.

Demand for the iPad 2 was widely expected to be high, and the quick slipping of online orders' shipping dates from 3-5 days down to 2-3 weeks seems to have been an early harbinger of Apple's supply being unable to keep up with that demand. Apple Stores nationwide are selling out of virtually all models of iPad 2 on launch day, with no early word yet on when new supply shipments will arrive.

Considering the intense demand for the device in the US, would-be international iPad 2 buyers must be looking at March 25 with a wary eye. If Apple's supply of the iPad 2 continues to be constrained, it's likely that the multi-country international launch will see extremely limited numbers of units available.