
Sunday Morning Funnies: Emerald lady

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Last week, SMF mistakenly posted that Tales from the Crossroads was completely over, when in fact, it has a few entries left.

From Tokkar:

Actually, Tales from the Crossroads isn't officially over just yet -- there are still two more comics to go. [...]

"All Good Things (Part 6)" is up now.

"All Good Things (Part 7)" will be published on Saturday, March 12th.

On Saturday, March 19th, "Fare Thee Well" will be published -- this will be the final Tales from the Crossroads comic.

Thank you for all of the good times, great comments and wonderful features here on Sunday Morning Funnies!

We'll miss the comic, but it isn't gone yet!

Congratulations, Harvoc, for correctly answering the mini-trivia question, and thanks to Sukugaru and Clef for participating in the discussion question. You win imaginary piles of unicorns and sunshine!
