
Apple highlights AirPlay apps, but our wishlist is longer

iOS 4.3 is finally with us (along with a flagship device to run it on), and now we're looking forward to seeing our favorite apps start using AirPlay. (Verizon iPhone owners, you'll have to be patient.)

Apple has put up a special App Store section to highlight the current crop of AirPlay-friendly apps. It includes some of our favorites like AirVideo and Discovery Channel HD, along with some interesting but unheralded apps (Authentic Yoga with Deepak Chopra and Sony's new movie-lover app My Daily Clip).

Oddly, in the first version of the list Apple did not include a marquee app for 4.3 and the iPad 2: iMovie, which does support AirPlay playback. Update: Looks like someone on the App Store team was paying attention, as iMovie now has pride of place at the top of the list.

This is a great start, but there are so many possibilities. Here are some of the apps we'd like to see using AirPlay as soon as possible -- let us know yours in the comments below.

  • Slingbox: Stream your TV to your iPad and back to your TV. It sounds daft, but it adds in lots of possibilities when visiting friends or family who don't have your home TV programming. Plus it gives a neat way to remotely control your TV right on your iDevice.

  • PBS for iPad: This one's nice for catching up on shows you've missed.

  • TED for iPad: TED is one of my personal favorite websites, and the iPad app gives access to more than 800 TEDTalk videos from some of the world's smartest people. Its "Inspire Me" button is just right for when you've got 10 minutes with nothing to do apart from improving your mind.

  • Real Racing HD: A favorite with some at TUAW towers, the new iPad 2's added lightness should make playing the game more comfortable -- AirPlay is what it needs to give that big-screen racing thrill.

  • ABC News, CNN, MSNBC and The Daily: These are obvious but useful.

  • NCAA March Madness On Demand: Undoubtedly constrained by licensing agreements (likewise Hulu and other streaming services), but still.

  • Any movie-trailer app, like Movies by Flixter.