
One Shots: No redshirts were harmed in the making of this screenshot

Ah, the City on the Edge of Forever -- definitely a fan favorite both when it comes to episodes from the original Star Trek series and images from Star Trek Online. After all, just seeing that portal will bring back a bit of nostalgia to anyone who has seen the episode. Today's One Shots comes to us from regular contributor Ocho, who captured a fleeting moment showing what appears to be the surface of the moon. He writes in: "This screenshot is from the famous City on the Edge of Never mission, featuring the Guardian of Forever."

Have you run a great mission lately? Want to tell us about it? Grab a great screenshot in the area of that quest and send it in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a note telling us all about it. Your screenshot could be the next one we feature here!