
Perfect World Entertainment offering E3 passes for what you 'Like'

E3 is no longer quite the gamer promised land that it once was, but it's still an event that a lot of gamers would love to get in to see. Perfect World Entertainment understands that quite well, and so it's going a step beyond just unveiling two new games at the show. The studio is giving away 25 three-day passes to the show floor to fans of the upcoming game Rusty Hearts, which will be unveiled at the show.

Entering is a simple procedure -- you just have to navigate over to the game's Facebook page and click "Like" to be entered for the random drawing. Be aware, however, that the prize only includes the show passes, not lodging or travel fees, which might prove to be the bigger hurdles for some. Take a look at the full rules if you're interested, however -- after all, how often do you get a shot to get into E3 without being part of the press?