
Japanese hardware sales, May 9 - May 15: Wrongfully accused edition

We've read all the handy how-to guides at our disposal, pored over countless pulp detective novels and even taken a correspondence course in forensic analysis -- but we still can't seem to finger the correct perps while playing LA Noire. So desperate are our constant investigative failings, we've managed to turn Team Bondi's cerebral thriller into an entirely different game; one which we've titled "The Incriminator."

How does it work? Well, rather than getting the positive rating and feeling of satisfaction you get when putting a compelling case together against the correct suspect in LA Noire proper, The Incriminator awards you for purposefully charging the absolute wrong guy. With a little imagination and self-delusion, you can turn that genuine disappointment into cruel, twisted delight!

- PSP: 34,655 [DOWN] 20,227 (36.86%)
- 3DS: 18,324 [DOWN] 10,825 (37.14%)
- PS3: 13,789 [DOWN] 7,094 (33.97%)
- Wii: 6,336 [DOWN] 5,184 (45.00%)
- DSi LL: 5,358 [DOWN] 5,161 (49.06%)
- DSi: 5,292 [DOWN] 3,416 (39.23%)
- Xbox 360: 2,763 [DOWN] 656 (19.19%)
- PS2: 1,319 [DOWN] 377 (22.23%)
- DS Lite: 208 [DOWN] 81 (28.03%)
- PSP Go: 171 [DOWN] 87 (33.72%)

Read: The accused archives