
The Classifieds: Truly epic, real-life jewelcrafter creates Horde pendant

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Reader Mike wrote in with this following tale of epic jewelcrafting:

We wanted a fine piece of jewelery that would reflect on who we were. Since our entire family played WoW and almost all of our friends were part of or met in game we knew the theme had to be Horde. I went to a family friend (master jeweler) and gave him a picture of the horde emblem then picked out an exquisite museum grade 4 ct. trillion cut Tanzanite. The detail work and setting was left up to Nick(jeweler and friend). After several weeks of research and design Nick showed me what the piece would look like on his 3D software and we went forward. Finally Nick called for us to see our creation. Nick is a third generation master jeweler with extended family also being jewel crafters. We were awe struck when he unveiled the pendant.

The main structure has a full ounce of white gold making up the Horde emblem, and bringing the details even larger than life was a carat of beautiful diamond pave'(which Nick sent off for his uncle to do as that is his specialty). Finally in the center of the emblem lay an amazingly brilliant fiery Tanzanite.

One thing I commented to Nick about was that the Horde emblem was upside down, he explained that he had tried everything but due to the weight and shape it kept flipping over. He opted to hang the pendent this way rather than modify the piece. He was wise, this is very elegant and worthy of its heritage. btw it was also worthy of its price tag...almost 10k at the time.

Random Acts of Uberness

It's when another player lights up your night with precise play, a wicked sense of humor or unexpected generosity that your login becomes something to remember. Share your Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup. Don't be afraid of sending an entry more than once if it doesn't appear; sometimes internet dragons eat email, and we'd hate to let that keep deserving players from getting their due.

Arelyne I wanted to thank Arelyne of Borean Tundra for a very kind act. I was 76 level Beast Master hunter and she whispered me while I was doing dailies to let me know that Loque'nak had spawned in Sholozar. She kept watch while I made my way there and stood by to make sure I could tame Loque without interference. With all the horror stories I've read of hunters having their spirit beast tames yanked away from them by a (knowing or unknowing) player, I was extremely grateful to Arelyne for her help, not only for spotting Loque and finding me but for keeping watch until I could get there. -- Anonymous

Employment: Guild recruitment

Looking for more? Send in your guild name, realm, a link to your guild website or armory listing and a sentence or two on your guild's focus (10-man, RP, late-night raiding, whatever) to

Of few words The BUR guild didn't actually have anything to say except that they were recruiting. Looking at its guild page on WoW Armory, though, you can see they're probably a good raid group.

Roleplaying is fun! Gnome and dwarf roleplaying -- what more could you want? Golbari is a new roleplaying guild, looking for people interested in rolling new characters, and bringing them to life on the Silver Hand server. The roleplaying will begin in Dun Morogh, so currently I am recruiting Gnomes and Dwarves. I am looking to recruit an entire party of five. Once we have a party we will meet Wednesday evenings once a week to progress and roleplay. We will level together, rp together, and run instances together. There may be some free form roleplaying on an outside forum to help further character growth and development. If something like this interests you go to the guild's webpage at: and leave a comment. Or you can contact Talinia on the Silver Hand server, or shoot an e-mail to

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