
WRUP: When Sir Mix-A-Lot comes a callin'

This weekend we begin putting Joystiq in the hands of our new weekend team of Jordan Mallory and Jess Conditt. We're going to call it the Jordan, Jess, Go! Weekends ... wait, that might be a copyright issue.

Anyway, if the JJs do a good job -- or just, you know, survive -- they may get to the point in their careers where they'll receive personalized YouTube videos from Sir Mix-A-Lot pimping his Facebook game. Yes, that really happened. Yes, it is as terrifying and awesome as one would believe it to be.

What's everyone playing?

  • Alexander Sliwinski (@XanderSliwinski): I'm way back into Dawn of Discovery (Anno, to the international folks). I really enjoy the sim aspects of it and it's really just so gosh-darn pretty. I've also discovered that Marvel Pinball is a great recuperation game in short bursts.

  • Ben Gilbert (@BigBossBgilbert): Another jaunt to suburban Pennsylvania means I'm rocking Ocarina on 3DS as hard as I can (at least until the battery assuredly dies), and I'm pretty seriously considering kicking off a second run through Shadows of the Damned when I'm back on the 4th. I'll also be playing my favorite meta-game, "Enjoy Delicious Beer." It's the best game because I always win!

  • Christopher Grant (@ChrisGrant): Here, in Philadelphia, the cradle of democracy, I'm hoping to have the freedom to spend some time in front of ye olde gamestation – our forefathers fought for that right! 4th of July is kind of a big deal in Philly, which means I'll probably have to leave the house at some point. In those cases, I've got Super Stick Man Golf to accompany me.

  • David Hinkle (@DaveHinkle): I just got Alice in from Gamefly, so I'll be giving that a try. Outside of that, it'll be all iPad: a little Death Rally, some Tiny Tower and maybe a game or eight of Words with Friends.

  • Griffin McElroy (@griffinmcelroy): I'm retreating to a lake house up in Wisconsin for this liberty and freedom-filled weekend, where I understand there will be nothing to play but Nintendo 64. If that's the case, then the usuals: Smash Bros., GoldenEye, Mario Kart, Pokemon Snap, Perfect Da-- what? Pokemon Snap rules.

  • JC Fletcher (@jcfletcher): I have designated this weekend as "for chillin' only," just like the framers of the Constitution intended. I really hope my copy of Child of Eden arrives expeditiously to be part of my chill regimen. Other than that, I'm planning to attend this month's awesome Juegos Rancheros event in Austin, where I'll be collecting StreetPasses and probably playing a game or two!

  • Jess Conditt (@JessConditt): With all the stress of working with the stuck-up, perverted game-writing snobs here at Joystiq, I've needed some comfort gaming: Enter, Devil May Cry 4. Nothing relieves tension better than a pretty blonde boy shooting, stabbing and forcefully grabbing demons for a few hours.

  • Jordan Mallory (@Jordan_Mallory): Since I'm one of two new Weekend Editors, I'll spend most of my weekend playing Article Writer 2: The Writening. There may also be time for Mortal Kombat, assuming Jess and I kill it hard enough, and at some point I hope Trouble Witches Neo can wash the taste of Galaga Legions DX out of my mouth.

  • Justin McElroy (@JustinMcElroy): I can't contribute to this post this week because I'm currently restocking my frankly pretty poor excuse for a shoe store in my Tiny Tower.

  • Ludwig Kietzmann (@LudwigK): I've yet to reach the very bottom of hell and Grasshopper Manufacture's depravity in Shadows of the Damned, so I'll continue my descent this weekend. I'll also keep playing inFamous 2, this year's most well-made boring game.

  • Mike Schramm (@MikeSchramm): I've got inFamous and Little Big Planet thanks to some PSN downtime, and also planning to crack open Dragon Age 2 just to see if Bioware can really make a boring game. Personally, I don't believe it.

  • Randy Nelson (@DangerPenguin): I'm going to exercise my right to bare arms virtually and pack in three days of Crysis 2, Uncharted 3, Bad Company 2, Killzone 3 and F.E.A.R. 3 multiplayer. Possibly other games with titles that end in numbers, too.

  • Richard Mitchell (@SenseiRAM) First I have to repair a grill, which shouldn't be too hard thanks to years of combining items in adventure games. Then comes the most delightful of system commands, "COOK MEAT." If I get a chance, maybe some Child of Eden too.

  • Steven Wong: I may celebrate patriotism by giving Duke Nukem Forever a spin. Otherwise, Bit.Trip Runner and FEAR 3 are on my to-play list.