
The Classifieds: Civilized leveling while wearing top hats

The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including our famous Random Acts of Uberness shout-outs to players who make your WoW sessions memorable.

People constantly seek new and interesting ways to level up. The idea of leveling as a unique snowflake is attractive, and finding a particular quirk for your own gameplay adds a lot of depth to the game. We have another entry to the tome of interesting leveling:

I decided I wanted to do something similar with my 9th character I'd level to 85. I made a Warlock named Seduceyöu on my main server, Khadgar, and leveled it all the way from 12 (when i got the worgen top hat) to 85 with the hat on the whole time. Was wondering if I was the 1st one to ever do this, or if there is a way to find out if I am the 1st to do this?

Well, intrepid readers, how about it? Do any of you know someone who leveled wearing a top hat the entire time? I find this particularly interesting, since I'm one of those folks who consider worgen who earned their top hats to be the true Gilneans.

In other news, WowDataTooltip is putting together an exciting internet gadget for WoW fans. Using the new API release from Blizzard, the tooltip displays character information when you hover over a link to That's some pretty exciting stuff for the future.

Random Acts of Uberness

It's when another player lights up your night with precise play, a wicked sense of humor or unexpected generosity that your login becomes something to remember. Share your Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup. Don't be afraid of sending an entry more than once if it doesn't appear; sometimes internet dragons eat email, and we'd hate to let that keep deserving players from getting their due.

Snowsparkle I recently hit 525 Inscription on my death knight, and immediately started compiling Darkmoon cards to try and sell. Soon enough, I had one of every "of the Winds" deck, besides the Three of the Winds. It was on the AH, but for a little under 3000 gold, which is what you could get an entire deck for on some servers.

So I advertise and I advertised and I advertised my interest in buying or trading for a Three of the Winds, but no one responded. I sent out an ad in trade every 20 seconds or so for an entire couple of hours, until finally, I received a whisper from a person called Snowsparkle. She said, "I bought this Three of the Winds of the AH for 3000 gold, please take it and sssh!"

Snowsparkle the Awesome actually spent 3000g of her own money buying a total stranger a card so that they'd shut up. -- InDecisive

For science

We get requests like this from time to time. Someone's looking to research WoW players for the purposes of science. Take a gander and help out!

Hello, everyone! I'm a graduate student at the University of Alberta's Department of Psychology, and I'm interested in finding participants for a study in language skills and online communication. There's currently a lot of research going on about language in online games - for example, to help teach second languages or to help with language-impaired learners. As part of that research, It's important to show that it's okay for people to talk about grinds and tanks and farms without it having an impact on your ordinary English vocabulary.

So, as part of my research, I'd basically like to show that WoW is a good arena to practice language in by giving some players a test of their in-game language knowledge, and seeing what might predict if someone is really knowledgeable about WoW vocabulary, and that using WoW vocabulary heavily doesn't have any influence on how good you are with English. If you're interested in helping me with my research, all you need to participate is to be a WoW player over the age of 18.

What does that mean? It means, if you like, you can take a short survey for me - about 15 to 20 minutes - where you do a short vocabulary test and then a short test of your knowledge of WoW vocab, followed by a bit of demographic information. If you feel like helping me out with my research, you can take the survey at:

If you really want to help me out, mention it to your guildies or other people you know who play WoW and might be interested!

Who's this guy? My name is Jamal Saleh, and I'm a Master's student at the University of Alberta. Among other things, I'm interested in studying communication, critical thinking, and learning online, which is where the project sprang from. I'm also this other guy, sometimes.

Wasn't there gold? I'd love to pay everyone who participates an honorarium of gold, but I only have characters on a couple servers. The folks from GSH got a thank you from me for the time they spent helping me get started, and I'd like to thank them again here.

Anything else? Thanks for checking this out! If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them here, by PM, by e-mail at, or even in-game. I have a pretty cool job, so I like talking about my work.

Employment: Guild recruitment

Looking for more? Send in your guild name, realm, a link to your guild website or armory listing and a sentence or two on your guild's focus (10-man, RP, late-night raiding, whatever) to

60-content raids We don't understand their name, but we're hoping someone will explain it. Our guild (One Pt Two One Jigawatts) is currently focusing on level 60 content, but we are expanding to level 70 content in the near future. We will continue to run 60 content while doing level 70 content. We are a strict vanilla guild, allowing only the use of consumables, enchants, and gear that was available in vanilla, with small exceptions. We do allow relics, even though they now have stats rather than ability effects. We also allow for gear from classic zones post-cataclysm, because the gear from quest rewards pre-cataclysm is no longer obtainable. We also do allow some glyphs that have no impact on boss fights in raids. As for the content we are clearing, we just recently pushed through BWL, clearing it very recently, and are preparing to push into AQ40 and work our way towards C'thun. We also cleared the four world dragons before they were removed, as well as Zul'Gurub. Our core is made up of 15-20 players, with an average of 10-15 logging in every raid night. As such, we have a harder time clearing new bosses, making for a more "authentic" feel. Lastly, our recruitment needs currently are DPS of any role (no warriors, however, as we have too many as is), and healers. Getting 3-5 more players will help us significantly towards finishing AQ40 once and for all.

Djörk Tower Great name if the joke's on purpose. The Dark Iron stalwart Djörk is recruiting. We've been around since 2005, we're currently recruiting all classes. Our focus at Djörk is casual hardcore raiding for seasoned mature players. Raid times are EST 8-11 PM Tu,Th,Su,M. Apply at to join the Djörk ranks.

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to