
PS3 firmware 3.70 now live, adds automatic trophy sync and shuffles video services around

It's time again for a PS3 firmware update -- which means, according to cosmic law, you were just about to turn on your PS3 for a quick ten-minute gaming session.

PS3 firmware 3.70, which we heard about just yesterday, is now live. As advertised, it enhances the PlayStation-Plus exclusive automatic downloading feature, adding automatic trophy sync and automatic cloud save uploads. It also adds various enhancements for Blu-Ray movies, and 3D image viewing, if you want to see what it's like to wear 3D glasses while looking at your 3DS pictures.

And a quick PSA: Firmware 3.70 also adds a new XMB category, "TV/Video Services." When you can't figure out where your Hulu and Netflix icons have gone, they're in there.