
TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: iPhone anticipation episode

Apple's announced the upcoming event at which we all hope to hear about a new iPhone or two, and I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl with anticipation. Well, as giddy as a 54 year-old guy can get, y'know? Today on TUAW TV Live, I want to share some thoughts and hopes for the new device(s) with you, and get your ideas about what we're going to see next Tuesday.

Since it's going to be "your show," joining the chat is a must. The chat tool can be accessed via the TUAW page you'll at 5 PM Eastern, through the Ustream page, or through IRC using server and room #tuaw-tv.

As usual, I'll be starting the show at 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST) sharp, and we'll take a few minutes to chat before the discussion starts. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure in iTunes or any other favorite podcatching app. The past shows are also available on the TUAW YouTube channel.