
Tim Cook's "time to shine" with new iPhone announcement

Tomorrow is a big day for Apple fans around the world, it's also a big day for Apple CEO Tim Cook. Cook is expected to introduce the next generation iPhone. Apple's first high-profile announcement since WWDC and Cook's first as CEO.

Cook is highly regarded as an expert in operations and supply chain management. He is given credit as the man who secured an ample and inexpensive supply of internal components for the iPod, iPhone and iPad.

Tomorrow will be a test of whether he can move beyond that role and deliver a dynamic and exciting keynote. Cook will likely be joined by Phil Schiller and Scott Forstall, but Steve Jobs is not expected to make an appearance. Nervousness aside, Cook should do a fine job introducing one of the most highly anticipated products of 2011.

All of us at TUAW will be following the keynote and meta live-blogging it. Won't you join us?