
Free-to-play Shadowrun Online announced

It's been five years since The Sixth World made its poorly conceived, if occasionally successful, debut on 360 and PC as the competitive, Counter Strike-inspired Shadowrun. In 2012, it appears a return visit to the world of cyber-elves and techno-dwarfs is in order, as Cliffhanger Productions brings the beta of Shadowrun Online to browsers.

As you can see in the early screen above, Cliffhanger has ditched the first-person perspective for something a bit more tactical for its free-to-play project. You and teams of friends will take on the mega corporations in action that one of the game's producers described as "more in the tradition of Baldur's Gate crossed with Jagged Alliance." (It's worth noting that Cliffhanger is also developing Jagged Alliance Online.)

If your curiosity has been piqued, there's a load of additional info in an online Q&A.

[Thanks, William.]