
WoW Moviewatch: A Warden's Demise

A Warden's Demise is the second installment in Karash's series about Maiev Shadowsong. The movie involves some deviation from strict WoW lore, but a little deviation is good in the name of art. Now for the fair warning -- this movie is long. It is perhaps one of the single longest machinima videos I've ever seen, clocking in at about 80 minutes long. With such a mammoth movie, I'll let the author's word speak for it:

Maiev goes to Northrend joining the fight against the Lich King. There, Maiev is not only confronted with the wild beasts of the northern wastelands, but also with a nightelf society, that is undergoing a radical change after ten thousand years of isolation from the rest of the world. Her personal conflicts with the high priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and the human highlord Bolvar Fordragon are threatening not only her own mission,but also the unity of the Alliance in the war effort against the undead threat.

This is a pretty good video, if you groove to the idea of a story-based machinima. The story feels a little slow in places, but Karash did a great job of keeping it going. Take the time to kick back with a cup of coffee and check it out. A Warden's Demise is a visually appealing video with an astounding amount of work. It's worth your time.

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