
THQ moving away from 'kids licensed entertainment;' Saints Row: The Third ships 3.8 million

In the wake of a rumor that THQ had relinquished a publishing deal with Disney for a variety of children's properties, the ailing publisher released a statement this morning renewing its focus on "core game franchises" over "traditional kids' licensed video games." The company will also be focusing on "digital initiatives" going forward, though we're not sure how that'll be possible after the closure of THQ's digital studio in the UK.

The release specifically cites UFC, Darksiders, Company of Heroes, Insane, Saints Row, Warhammer 40K, and Patrice Desilets' currently-in-production project as "key franchises" for the company going forward, and promises more information will be offered on next thursday's financial call.

Alongside news of the realignment, THQ announced that 3.8 million copies of its latest release, Saints Row: The Third, have shipped to retail since launch in November 2011. The publisher expects lifetimes sales to reach between five and six million units, and believes that its season pass plan will help that play out.

3.8 million copies means there are quite a few large purple dildo bats out in the wild, folks, but will it be enough to keep THQ going after a major miss with the uDraw Tablet and a rough past few years? That remains to be seen.