
Submit your user interface to Reader UI of the Week

World of Warcraft's user interface is one of the most awesome features of the game. Where else in MMO-land can you find UIs as diverse, creative, and different than those of all of your peers and community pals? Here on WoW Insider, we have a little column where your work gets shown off and discussed amongst our own little community, and we want your submissions.

With Mists of Pandaria on the way and some time to prepare for the coming storm, now is the best time to work out some of the kinks in your user interface. Always wanted to try a new spell timer? Thinking about ditching one DPS meter for another? Do it now, when you're just kind of hanging out. What about all those old-new players who are coming back because of the new Scroll of Resurrection? What types of user interface concerns do they have?

At Reader UI of the Week, we love to help you with your UI design woes, discussing ways to change or adjust your UI to get it to look a little bit cleaner, a little bit smoother, or just plain nicer. If you're going to send in a call for help, please be as descriptive as possible.

Submit your user interface to Reader UI of the Week by emailing, coincidentally, Here are some tips to remember and information to include when you are submitting your UI or call for help:

  • Include "Reader UI of the Week" in the subject of your email. If it's not there, your email might not get through.

  • Pictures are good, and the bigger, the better.

  • You don't have to write a novel, but definitely write enough that readers get a sense of why you did what you did. What are your biggest priorities when putting together your UI?

  • Did I mention that pictures are awesome?

  • If you are submitting a user interface that is modified off of an existing UI compilation, tell me what you changed and what was important about those changes. Anyone can go and just pick up a premade compilation.

Again, submit your user interfaces to, and show off your work!

Interested in getting the most out of your user interface? Come back once a week for more examples of reader UIs. For more details on individual addons, check out Addon Spotlight, or visit Addons 101 for help getting started.