
New Mists of Pandaria screenshot appears

A new Mists of Pandaria screenshot has randomly appeared in the Cataclysm screenshot gallery on the Blizzard site today. (Update: It's the start of the MoP Screenshot of the Day program.)

How do we know it's an MoP screenshot? Because there are four pandaren in it.

We also see some large, raid-type portal doors, which are clearly Asian-themed. The whole screenshot has a jungle feel to it and looks like it might come out of The Jade Forest, which is a new 85-to-86 zone. The doors are also identical to the ones in the Temple of the Jade Serpent dungeon. The Temple is the very first instance players will encounter in MoP.

Check out the larger version for even more win.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria is the next expansion, raising the level cap to 90, introducing a brand new talent system, and bringing forth the long-lost pandaren race to both Horde and Alliance. Check out the trailer and follow us for all the latest MoP news!