
Microsoft PSA: Internet Explorer 9 can do more than download other browsers (video)

See that up there? It's called inertia, and it's what the crew at Microsoft is trying to overcome. For the past 17 years, Internet Explorer has been little more than meme fodder and a litmus test of whether you knew how to navigate the web -- and let's be honest, the addition of the 'Go' button in IE5.5 only reinforced the stigma. Sure, Internet Explorer 9 was a huge leap in the right direction, but it's done little to restore the product's lousy reputation or stem its dwindling user base. Fortunately, Microsoft knows how to poke fun at itself, and the company's latest ad campaign fundamentally screams: our product's no longer awful, so please use it for something other than downloading another browser. Yeah, it smacks of desperation, but now that Mammon's awoke and realized, "Lo! It was naught but a follower," we can appreciate its sense of humor. Follow the break for a good laugh, and just for the hell of it, use IE while you're at it.