
Phat Loot Phriday: Chen's Empty Keg

When last we left our heroes, Chromie aborted their research in Outland by sending them off to somewhere misty and panda-filled. Miranda was kidnapped, no doubt allowing her to serve as MacGuffin and also forcing her to stop giving away narrator secrets. I'm just saying.

"We need stop at bank along way," Throgg said.

The Gilnean peered at Throgg quizzically.

"We're going to the land of beer!" Lolegolas exclaimed. "Throgg and I both have Chen's Empty Keg stashed in the bank. Great chance to fill them."

"I get that," the Gilnean said. "No, actually, I don't -- but whatever. Sometimes Throgg is all 'Rawr, orc smash,' and other times he speaks perfectly normally. What's with that?"

"Sometimes wear gear to make me feel smart," Throgg said. "It's roll play or something."

"Roleplay," Lolegolas expounded. "Like, taking on the role of something you're not."

"So, you two ... roleplay together," the Gilnean said slowly. "And the good speech is roleplay."

"Uh, sometimes," Lolegolas answered. "Look, Throgg and I have been partners in war for a long, long time. We have our own jokes. Just go with it."

"All right," the Gilnean said. "So, beer kegs."

"Not just beer kegs," Throgg said. "Panda beer kegs. From Chen. That's so huge, you don't even know."

Item notes: The remnants of a pre-Cataclysm quest, Chen's Empty Kegs are not currently to be found on Azeroth. You once collected kegs.

Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing