
Dynamite Jack now available

Phil Hassey's title Dynamite Jack, first seen by us at GDC earlier this year, is now available for purchase on Steam. It's only $4.99 usually, and it's actually on a launch sale for $3.99 right now, so if you need something to play this weekend, it would be a perfect choice. I really like the game's combination of stealth and action, and it's got a nice retro style that's clear, simple, and fun.

The only reason you might not want to grab it just yet is that it's still coming to the Mac App Store soon -- Hassey says that he couldn't quite swing a simultaneous release, so the Mac App Store version might have a few extra features that the version on Steam doesn't have just yet. And Hassey says he's also going to be hard at work on an iPad version as well, so if you'd rather play the game on a tablet, you might want to wait. But the game is a lot of fun, and at just a few bucks, it's worth a look for sure.