
You're the Pundit: Are we going to see form factor changes?

When it comes to evaluating the next big thing, we turn to our secret weapon: the TUAW braintrust. We put the question to you and let you have your go at it. Today's topic is form factors.

Recently, rumors have been swirling about possible iOS device form updates. You may have read about 7" iPads (or, possibly, a 7" relaunched iPod touch) and iPhones with mighty 4" screens, both of which would certainly throw monkey wrenches into the world of app development.

That's because each time Apple adds a new form factor into the mix, apps need to update to restyle their designs. They must meet both the physical form factor and the intrinsic aspect ratio. Each time this happens, universal apps grow bigger and space on your device grows smaller.

So do you think you see Apple moving forward on either one? Are these, as often, simply groundless speculation and spitballing? Or do you think either rumor has legs?

You tell us. Place your vote in this poll and then join in the comments with all your analysis.

Full disclosure: Certain TUAW staffers have ongoing bets with certain MacObserver staffers about a possible miniPad, with lunch riding on the outcome.
