Microsoft patent application could see a touchscreen tabletop that caters to the eye of the beholder
It's all about perspective. At least, that's what we've gleaned from a Surface skim (hard wink) of this Microsoft patent application. Filed back in December of 2010, the USPTO doc describes a touchscreen tabletop imbued with a "view-restrictive filter" that, presumably, projects content in an orientation specific to a user's viewing angle, switching between diffuse and transparent states. Unsure of just what that means? Imagine, then, an ordinary-looking glass conference table surrounded by suit-and-tie types that, at the flick of a finger, turns into multiple personal computing displays. Bear in mind, this is all conjecture based on some densely-worded legalese and the IP in question's still lingering in a governmental limbo. That said, there could come a day when the Office of the future (harder wink) could look a lot like this. In the tech industry, nothing's off the table (hardest wink).