
Fez creator Phil Fish working on two new games

Fez creator Phil Fish is working on two new games

Phil Fish, the man behind the mutton-chops and this awesome indie game you probably haven't heard of, Fez, has some new projects in the works.

Fish is currently developing two new games with some friends, he said at Gamelab 2012 (as reported by Eurogamer Spain). Fish began working on one of these projects during the development of Fez, but he was forced to stop in order to finish his own game in a semi-timely manner. Fish has been involved with Super Hypercube, a game in development for Kinect from Kokoromi and Polytron, Fish's own studio. The last we heard from Super Hypercube was December, when Fish said it was "a bit early" to talk details.

Fish spent five years of his life developing Fez, and now that it has been released into the wild of Xbox Live Arcade, sold 100,000 copies, and suffered its first patch malfunction, Fish is "learning to live again" without the constant strain of high-profile indie development. Fish said Fez's development has left him "exhausted and traumatised," but he will continue making games.

Launching a game on Xbox Live Arcade added to Fish's stress; he began development at a time of rapid change in the indie community, and what worked four years ago on Xbox Live now makes more sense on Steam, he said. Fish hasn't announced details about the two titles he's involved in, but he will choose his focus wisely since "it can be something that consumes many years of your life," he said.