
The Queue: No one asked me to do this

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi is your barely coherent helper today.

I am one of those people who often finds myself on the less popular side of social debates. I'm a Superman over Batman, Luke over Han Solo, Werewolves over Vampires kind of guy. When all of my friends were into Space Battleship Yamato (or the American version, Star Blazers) I was much more into Gaiking. I don't even know why I liked Gaiking so much. Anyway, there's apparently a Gaiking movie coming out in 2012. There you go. There's your Matt likes strange things trivia of the day. I like Gaiking.

darkpanda asks:

I wonder if Blizzard will change the way shoulders are acquired. As it currently stands, you can spend Valor points to purchase every piece of a look-a-like set of tier armor without the set bonuses. All except the shoulders or course. You still need to either win an armor token or hope that a shoulder with the same skin will drop from a Raid. Do you think Blizzard will go all the way and allow us to purchase every piece of an armor set so everything will match?

Right now, we don't even know for sure if we'll be able to buy gear for valor at all or if we'll be expected to run dungeons and then upgrade the drops with valor points -- or both. We only really know the valor upgrade system was announced. As of the last time I was on the beta, there was no valor point vendor with Mists level gear nor any way to upgrade via valor points yet. So your guess is as good as mine about shoulders.

Nocjin asks:

Is AoE looting working well on beta? Any AoE skinning yet?

AoE looting is working fine. You still have to manually skin as of the last time I skinned with my skinner, which was two or three beta builds ago.

gws1963 asks:

Are there going to be new 1-90 Heirlooms in MoP? Or will Blizz adjust the current ones (or the 1-85 at least)?

I don't know if there will be new heirlooms or not. At present, there are not. I hesitate to say they'll never put in 1-to-90 heirlooms, but if they do, it probably won't be for a while, since we've got a lot of heirlooms at this point filling a lot of slots. (You can have a heirloom hat, cape, shoulders, chest, trinkets, a ring, and weapons.) I think they want people playing through the 85-to-90 content without heirlooms at least for the first six months, if not longer.

Hoopyhobo states:

It really seems like there should be at least one small group of Horde-friendly Yaungol considering the connection to the Tauren. It feels like a bit of a wasted opportunity otherwise.

Frankly, I disagree. We have orcs unfriendly to the Horde, loads of trolls unfriendly to the Horde, even a faction of undead unfriendly to everyone (the Scourge) to balance out the Forsaken. I say it's time for actively aggressive, antagonistic tauren relatives like the yaungol.

Speaking as a dude playing a tauren on the beta, I like being a tauren against these guys. It's like a clash of equals, and I like the lore of the yaungol and why they are so aggressive and territorial. These are not your Earth Mother-respecting shu'halo or your elemental-wrestling taunka. These are bellicose, nature-fearing, fire-taming refugees from the Sundering who turned out very different from their cousins. These guys drill for oil. It's been 10,000 years, and they're still not over the world blowing up. I enjoy them.

Seriously, check out this video from yesterday. The yaungol are into their whole unique scene, and they're very interesting.

Revynn says:

I'm voting for a Two Steps From Hell themed Queue tomorrow.

While I do love TSFH, I went with Gaiking. I'm sorry, there was a giant robot involved and I had no choice. To try and make up for it, here's a song.

Ursus_io9 asks:

Q4TQ: Do you think with the arrival of the Pandaren in MoP, the barbershop feature will have new hairstyles for the Pandaren on top of the hair they will get in character customisation, or will that wait for patches after release? And Will we be able to put Pandaren hairstyles on other races through the barbershop too?

I have no idea, but I would support this functionality. I would very much like to have some of the pandaren hairstyles for my draenei warrior; she'd look awesome with that hair stripe.

two_eyes asks:

A question for Queue-readers (because I already got a question answered in the queue proper and I don't want to be selfish): Is it possible to skip to the next zone like it was in Cataclysm? What I mean is, let's say I hit 86 halfway through Jade Forest. Can I just ditch the rest of the overcrowded starting zone and go straight to Vo4W or Krasarang?

I'm answering this anyway because I suspect it will be of interest. Yes, you can do that as long as you can get the quests in the new zone. I left Jade Forest as soon as I was 86, and there were still quests in the zone for me.

runnerpadilla asks:

Does it strike anyone else as odd that the Pandaren decided to call their homeland Pandaria? No other race names its lands after itself. Humania? Trollia? Western Tauren Lands? Blood Elf Disco Party Club?

I assumed they named the land of Pandaria after the Pandaren Empire, which they founded after overthrowing the mogu. I am sure the mogu don't call it Pandaria among themselves, nor do the mantid, most likely.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!