
Arabian-themed Nadirim now available through Aeria Games

Nadirim image

Nadirim, the Hungarian-made browser-based free-to-play game inspired by the myths and fables of the Arabian desert, is now available through the Aeria Games network. Aeria added the Arabian-themed fantasy game to its vast array of other free-to-play titles.

Players looking for something a bit different than the standard medieval fantasy fare can jump into the role of Rogue, Warrior, or Sage and delve into a landscape of vast, unforgiving deserts punctuated by remote oases or wander through bustling towns. Although the world is open, combat is turn-based and takes place on a grid, making strategy an important element of the battle. Additionally, players who find the battle going against them can call for the aid of other adventurers who can join in the fight and assist.

The game is available to play now, and common to all Aeria Games titles, there is no download or subscription needed.

[Source: Aeria Games press release]